Take the Connection Pledge

The Acts of Connection PLEDGE is a way individuals and organizations can show their support and commitment to ending loneliness and social isolation in Weld County.

As an individual you can PLEDGE to be a person of connection – this is a commitment to support your community, no matter how small. After you PLEDGE you’ll get access to some documents that can help support you in being a person of connection.

Organizations also have the opportunity to PLEDGE to be places and people of connection – this is a commitment to support your community as an entire organization. We know that there are many non-profits, businesses, faith communities, and others in Weld that promote connection and provide programming for individuals. We want to help support your organization by raising  awareness amongst service providers and others about the work you do. After you PLEDGE, you’ll get access to education materials and resources to support the provision of programming that is effective in increasing connection and reducing loneliness. If you’d like even more support and to work with us to develop programming, you can identify you’d like to partner on the PLEDGE form.