Welcome to acts of connection Weld

What is
Acts of Connection?

Weld County’s first county-wide
campaign combatting
social isolation and loneliness.

Why Connection Matters

Human beings are biologically wired for connection. Over many years, our brains have adapted to expect being close to others. Lacking connection hurts our health and wellbeing because it is as essential to survival as oxygen, food, water, and shelter.

But according to recent surveys, about half of all US adults report experiencing loneliness or social isolation. These feelings of disconnect can affect anyone, of all ages and backgrounds, and are far more widespread and common than we realize.

About the Campaign

When we get lonely, it’s a sign that we could use some meaningful connection — with ourselves or others, enriching activities, greater purpose, and a safe community.

Acts of Connection is an initiative that aims to combat social isolation and foster connection in Weld County. Acts of Connection encourages us all to find ways to connect with others, build relationships, and promote a stronger sense of wellbeing and a culture of connection for all.

Our Mission
  • Increase awareness of social isolation
  • Change how social connection and loneliness are perceived in Weld County
  • Drive action towards and increase opportunity for connection
  • Build great relationships
  • Encourage and amplify local activities that increase belonging
  • Reduce poor mental health and suicide rates through the power of connection
Who We Are

Acts of Connection is a campaign launched by Thriving Weld’s Healthy Mind and Spirit workgroup and its partners:

  • North Range Behavioral Health
  • Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment
  • Colorado School of Public Health at University of Northern Colorado
  • High Plains Library District
  • North Colorado Health Alliance
  • Centennial Area Health Education Center
  • Greeley Interfaith Council
  • United Way of Weld County
  • City of Greeley
  • Intermountain Health
  • Aims Community College
  • Habitat for Humanity of the St. Vrain Valley
  • Community Grief Center
  • Banner Health
  • UCHealth

What is Loneliness?

Loneliness occurs when we experience a perceived lack of meaningful connection; the connection we want doesn’t match what we are getting. This makes it hard to tell when other people are lonely and to understand why we personally feel lonely–because loneliness can be felt even while surrounded by other people.

Why does this matter?

4 in 5

Young adults (18-24) reported feeling lonely at least some of the time in 2021.

2 in 5

Aging adults (66+) reported feeling lonely at least some of the time in 2021.


Of people who are lonely or isolated recognize it as the major problem it is.

These experiences are far more widespread and common than we realize.

These estimates are scary, because lacking social connection hurts our health & wellbeing. Without quality connection, we become more at risk for developing serious health issues.

Data suggests that lacking social connection is as dangerous as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day.

More than this, lacking connection impacts our happiness, often leading to a cycle that makes social connection a terrifying idea rather than an opportunity to make friends and meet new people, explore our world, and live our lives to the fullest.

  • Know that you are not alone.
  • There is hope in community.
  • Connection can be built through sharing stories.

Know the difference


Loneliness is what we feel when our social needs, whether at work, with family, or through friend groups, go unmet. Loneliness is a mental state — when our minds perceive isolation, loneliness settles in. We can be totally alone and not feel lonely, and we can be surrounded by people and still feel alone. Loneliness can be situational, such as after a divorce or losing a friend, or it can be ongoing.

Know the difference

Social Isolation

Social isolation is the lack of relationships with others and little to no social support or contact whereas loneliness is internal feelings of being alone and disconnected from others. Social isolation can be caused by physical (i.e. mobility issues or poor vision) or internal (i.e. social anxiety or other mental health challenges) limitations.

Importance of Connection

Stronger Immunity
Lower Rates of Depression & Anxiety
Optimistic Outlook
Longer Life Expectancy
Emotional Regulation
Improved Cognitive Function
More Empathy
& Trust

Primary Campaigns

Young People

Young people have some of the highest rates of loneliness in the US. Click below to find out more and get resources for yourself or someone you care about.

Aging Adults

Aging adults have a higher risk of social isolation and loneliness. To learn more and get resources for yourself or someone you care about, click below.

Pledge Program

The Acts of Connection PLEDGE is a way individuals and organizations can show their support and commitment to ending loneliness and social isolation in Weld County.

Want more information?

Feel free to get in touch for collaboration opportunities, questions, and more.

Our Partners

Acts of Connection Weld would not be possible without the following partners: